PR Blog
How to Become a TV Legal Analyst

So, you’ve managed to climb the rigorous ladder of the legal profession, survived the soul-crushing law school, and outwitted the nerve-wracking bar exam.

Welcome, fellow legal gladiator. Yet, for some peculiar reason, your mighty legal prowess has left you yearning for more. You’re craving fame, excitement, and, most importantly, a way to share your knowledge with the curious folks parked in front of their idiot boxes.

Lucky for you, your dear friend (that would be me!) has some wisdom to share. Buckle up!

Understanding the Landscape

Now, what’s the first thing you need to do? Simply put, understand the lay of the land. Television can be an intimidating mistress, and conquering it requires a clear understanding of the battlefield. What are the popular legal shows? Who are the top legal analysts? What styles, formats, and approaches do they use? Research, my dear budding journalist, is your best friend.

The Blueprint to Stardom

Don’t get me wrong; this isn’t simply a matter of imitation. Far from it! While you want to understand what the greats are doing, your ultimate aim is to distill what works for them and marry it with your unique style. Impress potential networks and producers not just with your impressive credentials, but also with your distinctive approach and persona.

The last thing anyone needs is another talking head. What they do need, however, is a strong authoritative voice who can dissect complex legal issues in an engaging, clear, and concise manner.

Think you can do that? Of course, you can. You’re a lawyer, for Pete’s sake.

Pro Tip: Always remember – your ultimate USP is your legal expertise. The goal is not to be a TV star but a trusted legal authority who happens to be on TV.

Mastering TV Etiquette

You’ve outwitted opposing counsel in court, managed obstinate clients, and sorted out their legal messes. Yet, these talents alone won’t put you in front of the camera lens. Surprise, surprise, TV requires a whole different skill set.

Do you, for instance, know how to write a sound bite? Can you stand under glaring lights, fight off camera-induced nervousness, and deliver your knowledge confidently, compellingly, and convincingly?

I bet your law school reflections didn’t ever prep you for that, did they?

Get Noticed

Okay, you’ve studied the terrain, brushed up your TV skills, and are gunning to show the world just what a legal ace you are. Now what? Now, you need to get noticed. And how, pray do, you do that? Well, lean in because here’s where I spill the secret sauce of media relations.

Network, network, network. Yeah, I know you’ve heard this one before, but guess what, it’s still true. Run elbows with journalists, producers, other legal analysts, and, fair to say, anyone who could potentially give you exposure.

You have to employ Public Relation strategies. Write opinion pieces for legal trade publications and make appearances on local radio and podcast shows. You’re a lawyer: Put your persuasive writing and oratory skills to use!

Be resourceful when it comes to “earned media.” This refers to publicity achieved through promotional efforts other than advertising, as opposed to paid media, which refers to publicity gained through advertising. Because, let’s face it, your hefty law school debts don’t need new friends.

If you can navigate your way through these hurdles, ta-da—you’re one step closer to becoming a TV legal analyst! Perfect reflection, ideal delivery, and mind-boggling legal insight. Well, look who just became a double-threat. Now get out there and make me proud, you legal rockstar.

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